Because You Deserve It.

When was the last time you did something for you?

Are you feeling the crunch and downhill slide towards the end of year and finding it hard to fit in your self care?

If you are neglecting your needs perhaps ask yourself why?

“I don’t have time” is often the excuse. Perhaps, what we really mean is “I don’t deserve it” or “I don’t feel worthy of it”.

That can be a hard pill to swallow. To admit that the real reason we are not making the time is because of a deep seated belief.

I work with a number of women where this is the case. They put their families, children, household, work and colleagues first and when it comes to taking care of themselves they simply “run out of time”.

In order to commit to self care we have to first shift the belief that we don’t have time and realise that we are worthy of making time.

It could be as simple as:

  • 5 minutes of noticing the breath when you get up in the morning.

  • A walk around the block at lunchtime.

  • A restorative or yin pose for 5 - 15mins when you get home.

  • Taking a bath.

Within Yoga and Ayurveda the ritual around self care also helps us connect into the elements, regulate our energy, shift into the parasympathetic nervous system and nourish the layers of our being or koshas.

The ritual doesn’t have to be ground-breaking, bank-breaking or even the same everyday -choose anything that helps you connect to the elements

  1. Nourish the earth element through movement, self massage, pausing to notice the smells and aromas around you or walking barefoot on the earth.

  2. Nourish the water element through mindful eating and drinking. Pausing to take mindful breaths before you eat. Using your shower or bath as a mindful act of self care. Find a creative expression - singing, dancing, painting, knitting. Here is a playlist to help you dance.

  3. Nourish the fire element through lighting a candle or incense, savouring the sunrise or sunset or through your connection with others.

  4. Nourish the air/ wind element through noticing the sensation of your breath, or the feeling of the wind against your skin.

  5. Nourish the space element through mindful listening, noticing the sounds of birds, and animals, or through singing and chanting. (I’m definitely a car karaoke kind of gal).

  6. Nourish the heart-mind through self compassion, compassion for others, and gratitude practices.

Here are 3 short practices to enable you to add a little bit more self care into your day.

Practice one - 5 minutes of grounding pranayama.

This could be done when you wake up in the morning, or even on the toilet!

Practice two - 10 minutes of self massage to activate the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve is in charge of the parasympathetic nervous system, and is responsible for digestion, heart rate and breath.This practice targets the areas where we hold tension affecting our breathing and pelvic floor.

Practice three - 13 minute simple flow to get you into your body.

Not enough time for a full flow? This practice targets every muscle and fascial train in just 13 minutes, includes a little bouncing for bone density.


It’s Time To Micro-dose


Tension is who we think we should be,